Prompted into action by the promise he made to his girlfriend a year ago, Harry finally made a huge breakthrough in his quest for success by scoring a major deal …
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Over the Moon
Welcome to Over the Moon. A lot has happened over the past 2 years, picking up from where A Moment of Bliss ended.
Welcome to the future, …
Office Affairs is an immersive visual novel game that takes players on an exciting journey through the complex world of office romance. As the protagonist, James, you find yourself caught …
After Henry’s lab was closed, he decided to do experiment on himself. However, the experiment ended unsuccessfully and Henry’s mind now in Richard’s body. Henry need to make money …
Occultus: Daughter of Darkness is a noir-inspired detective story with supernatural elements.
Join Private Detective Jane Malady in her search to find a missing woman which will, drag her down …
Monolith Bay
Our tale is centered around a young man, who moves to Monolith Bay, a small coastal town with an unusual past, to try and rescue his parents from …
Family Breeding is a 2D hand-drawn visual novel with top-notch artwork where you play as a young man living together two women, your mother and your sister. Your family has …
A struggling writer, you just managed to sell a book for enough money to afford a house.
Life in the suburbs promised to be everything you dreamed of in the …
Take the role of 4 characters and with the guidance of an evil sexual entity engage in sexual situations with the ones you hold dear -or not-
Revenge, pity, lust, …