A ghostly desire
As a player, you take on the role of ‘Marc’
and enter his life, in the moment, he returns from a three month journey.
There is the …
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A ghostly desire
As a player, you take on the role of ‘Marc’
and enter his life, in the moment, he returns from a three month journey.
There is the …
You and four friends are enjoying a cruise ride when the boat collides with a rock and sinks.
You wake up on an unknown island where you meet the other …
Shoretown Saga
In Shoretown Saga, you must take care of the women at home until your father returns.
Meet new people, and interact with them. Explore this city and its …
The young prince has been in exile since childhood. Unexpectedly, he gets the opportunity to return to his home. But there will be many dangers on his way, because the …
Bad Manners Part II
After the unsuccessful attempt to usurp the throne, the disgraced Prince Hans Westergaard gets a sudden offer to become the principle of the Imperial College of …
“Family Trouble” is an erotic comedy novel game with sharp humor. You play as an education professor at a university. One day, your best friend’s stepdaughter offers to share the …
The Five Star Stories
In this game you are a teenage boy who becomes interested in his step-sister and starts spying on her for a while. You can’t blame him, …
Mila AI
This is a story about a couple who have been together since high school. Only smoldering embers are left from the former passion, and so Mila, fighting boredom, …
You play in a role of a quite known and popular modeling photographer. That’s how you met the woman of your life and despite her already having a kid …
The game’s story is about You play as a young adult male in his first year of college, a recent orphan after your father and his fiancé were killed in …