Dickmon X
You play as Nobita who just turned 20 years. After getting a gadget from Doraemon, Nobita’s lust grows sky high. What will Nobita do with this changes in …
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Dickmon X
You play as Nobita who just turned 20 years. After getting a gadget from Doraemon, Nobita’s lust grows sky high. What will Nobita do with this changes in …
Growing Thing’s Up
In this game you are a young man in a new city full of expectations and insecurities.
However, things take an intriguing turn when you are mistakenly …
Blurred Lines
This story is about a CIA agent and his family trying to navigate through a life full of surprises, betrayal, and murder.?…
Under Control is a visual novel that is in a very early stage of development, you will start controlling the life of a young man who wants to break with …
The Blackout
In “The Blackout”, you play as a young student in the grip of strange events. After suddenly passing out in the street for a yet-unknown reason, you try …
Future Fragments is a hybrid platforming/run ‘n’ gun/RPG game, with a science fiction/mystery theme. Imagine say, Megaman X, but with an actual map system, a dense storyline with lots of …
Sex life at Hexa school full of beauties
You play as a Nerd who found a damaged cellphone after a nearby accident and make a decision to take it …
My Pleasure
Due to his own mistakes, the young protagonist of the game is forced to spend some time outside of his house after a quarrel with his father. Yesterday, …
Away From Home
Your father is an ex-cop. One day he tells you and your Mom have to go to Eva’s house which is approximately 2500 km away, without giving …
Haileys’ Treasure Adventure
One day a man visits Hailey’s farm. He told her about her father’s debt and asks her to marry her. She refuses to marry him and tells …