Red Lucy
This is the story of a young man and his *cough* roommate living with his grandfather.
Life is simple with no worries but there are still a lot …
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Red Lucy
This is the story of a young man and his *cough* roommate living with his grandfather.
Life is simple with no worries but there are still a lot …
Holiday Island
You (the player) have just won a lottery for a holiday on a tiny, remote Pacific island… but not just any island! It is packed from the beach …
Forbidden Passion is about the story of a young man who’s been kicked out of his house and now has to manage this chaotic life, while having to take care …
Something Unlimited
This is my true passion; I really love this method on the distribution of my artwork.Not to mention the different levels of creativity I get to express in …
Sissy Maker DELUXE and Classic are adult point-and-click adventure games. They’re a mix of erotic interactive novel and dating sim. Sissy Maker games offer an engaging storyline and a colorful …
Kamesutra – DBZ Erogame
Kamesutra is a RPG erogame where you can play as the biggest pervert of all time: Master Roshi!
Play cards and join Strip Poker parties, grope …
Prince of Suburbia
The main character is an 18 year old virgin who wants what every teenage male wants. As the summer is heating up, so is the sexual tension …
Its not a world for Alyssa
This novel is about the life of Alyssa, a girl who lives with her father and brother. She is too innocent and a good …
The Sister in Law
Your wife has two lovely sisters. One 24 years old, and the other 19 years old. They both are always coming to visit, and usually stay …
Sunwave Hotel
In the game, you will be part of a mercenary duo who crash-landed on a tropical island. Employed by a crime lord of a Sci-Fi galaxy, you and …