A Wife At Stake – Version 0.040
This is the story of Laura. A beautiful 26 yo Italian young woman in couple with Mario. She knows what she wants and …
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A Wife At Stake – Version 0.040
This is the story of Laura. A beautiful 26 yo Italian young woman in couple with Mario. She knows what she wants and …
Corrupted Hearts
You are a prodigal hacker, plunged deep into the heart of espionage at a company with dark secrets. Your wife, Clara, the most beautiful woman you had ever …
Witch Hunter
This Game will be a visual novel built on the RenPy engine with a variety of gameplay elements, mini-games and multiple endings.
The main character is Lord Cedrick …
Lisa Total Investigation
Meet Paul and Lisa, his fiancée! They have big plans for the big day, but things are getting bad. First, a suspicious accident where one of their …
Warlock and Boobs
Krowly always wanted to learn magic, hunt for monster girls, and most of all, get laid. Help guide Krowley in fulfilling his dreams!…
A New Dawn
The game follows a young virgin, a daughter of a powerfull duke. The land gets invaded and the family is splitted. Your task is to find a …
Happy Summer
This game is about a 37yo man, who lives in a big house with Rosie and Lucy. Rosie is a 19yo beautiful blonde. She tries to write stories …
Hazelnut Latte
In this visual novel, you visit a café and find a young barista named (Phil)Hazel.
The two of you hit it off and the choice is up to …
The exclusive district of Hillside is home to the country’s film industry and to those lucky enough to be able to afford to live there. Among them is veteran …
Silicon Lust
A game from the famous creator of the WhoreCraft game series – Auril.
This is an erotic game about a girl who stayed home alone while her parents …