The main character wakes up in a hospital with memory loss. He remembers only some fragments of his past life and doesn’t even suspect that all the troubles that happened …
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Exciting Games
It has been four years since Steve and Nicole got married. They have everything, love, mutual understanding, prosperity. What else can one wish for happiness? But people always …
Futa Quest
For some time now, things were going really bad for a young teacher Roxy. All because of her bad reputation.
Being a futanari with a strong libido, she …
The Voyage Above – Version 0.1.2 – Update
Half a century ago, Earth faced a catastrophic event, nearly wiping out humanity. In response, a select group formed Project Orion, determined …
Lust and Power
In this game you play as a young man, whose family inherited a mansion from a distant relative. There you are going to reveal some mysteries and …
The Survival of Sarah Rose is an epic-fantasy erotic visual novel, following the life of the eldest daughter of the royal Rose family. When tragedy strikes, Sarah finds her once …
Medical Special Care
The story of a family of doctors embarking on a new stage of their careers at a new hospital. The head of the family is a psychiatrist, …
Long Story Short
You will be playing as a guy, who’s never really clicked with girls too much. You’d much rather spend your time on the computer than dealing with …
Downfall – A Story Of Corruption
A girl who just lost her job and unsure about her life. Now its up to you how you want to shape her destiny. …
Summer Scent
It’s the beginning of summer. Jack is 18 years old and has just finished high school by graduating. He has a tense relationship with Eve, his sister who …